Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Disney Planning

Just 5 days until Disney!! So exciting!! None of us have ever been so this is a first for everyone! 

So funny that I've never been a Disney fan but I'm getting more and more excited the closer we get! Of course the kids are bursting with excitement and getting Disney + this week was a fun bonus! 

We're going on a budget so each family member got just one specially made shirt. I would totally go overboard on fun shirts and outfits if I could but just these 6 shirts themselves weren't cheap. My friend made all of them except for J's, above, which I orderd off Etsy. We opted for no names on the shirts. 

Chewbacca for C.

The little girls both wanted Stitch shirts. 

Hard to tell but the shirts are actually a light aqua color. 

 Love this one for my husband lol! 

Pretty sure his face will look like that quite a bit while we're there ha! 

Of course I had to get something with Starbucks! 

I bought the Mickey and Minnie ears and lanyards in bulk off Amazon. 

Pins were bought in bulk of eBay.

I'm still looking for some kind of cute Disney insert to stick inside the plastic on the lanyards. I would like to put our names and contact info on the back of the little girls inserts for sure.

So funny that belt bags are in again ha! I bought C's (bottom left) off Amazon. Perfect size and style for a 9 yr old boy! The other three are from Wal-Mart. The pink one came from the little girl section. It's still a little big for S but I think we can make it work for her! Not sure if I'll actually wear one. I may end up returning mine. 

A few things for the kids to do in the car. Most of of this came from Dollar Tree but

a couple things we already had on hand.

I have more stuff for the trip that I'll get pics of tomorrow! I want to keep up with our Disney posts as much as possible and I plan to post a ton on Instagram too so be sure to follow along!! 

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