Monday, February 4, 2019

Weekend Wrap-Up

I'm linking up with Hello Monday today.

We've been busy as always lately!

J and JG went to the Daddy & Daughter dance a couple Fridays ago. This dance was through American Heritage Girls. Next year S will be joining them!

Poor C has been having headaches almost 24/7 the past few weeks. We took him to the eye doctor last Tuesday and his vision has gotten slightly worse since he was seen last summer. He got a prescription and picked out a pair of Nike glasses. The glasses should be in sometime this week. He'll only need to wear them for reading, classroom work and while he's on the tablet or computer. We're really hoping the glasses take the headaches away for good! My husband needed glasses at the same age due to headaches but only needed to wear them for a year or two. Hopefully that'll be the case for C too. I hope he doesn't have to wear them from here on out.

C is super sick right now with the flu. Poor kid can't catch a break. :( We just went to the doctor this afternoon and will get him started on a prescription. The doctor wants him home all week. Really praying the rest of us don't get it!

The sunset was gorgeous one evening last week! Of course my photo doesn't do it justice but this was the best I could get. There are deer that live in the woods behind our house. I had never seen one until one morning last week I finally saw three! Then I saw three again a couple days later. Our neighbors put food out for them every evening so we know there always around but usually it's well after dark or before dawn.

Saturday evening S decided she wanted her long hair (it was past her waist) cut a lot shorter. Her long hair was beautiful when it was actually brushed but she only likes to wear it loose and it was always getting really tangled. Anyway, I cut it the best I could. Her hair is pretty straight which makes it hard to get the ends looking all even. I think it looks "okay" from the back but from the front it looks kind of rough ha! I think I'll probably end up taking her to a professional to get the ends evened up a little better. It's much easier for me to trim Mar (Gabby) and Indie's hair since their curls are much more forgiving. Indie's hair has been getting pretty long and I could tell her curls were starting to fall out so I trimmed her hair as well. Her curls are much more bouncy now and the shorter hair keeps her looking a little younger. I'm having a hard time with my baby being three. I want her to stay little a while longer. I forgot to get a before pic of S and the pics I took of L didn't really turn out. 

The kids have been begging for a YouTube channel for months now. I'm finally giving in although YouTube is kind of outside my comfort zone. We've been making practice videos for YouTube and I'm looking for a good editing program. I haven't found anything for free (what I was hoping for) so I'm guessing I'll need to get a subscription for a program. If anyone has any great suggestions (the cheaper the better!) please let me know! My laptop has some kind of built in basic video editing program but I couldn't figure out how to piece clips together. Any tips on that would be great too!

Hope everyone is having a great Monday and hope you'll come back tomorrow for a review and my first giveaway!!

1 comment:

  1. My son loves watching YouTube videos from other families so he'll definitely want to check yours out! He'll love that you have a Gabby because that is my daughter's name! (Gabbie)
