We went to Build-A-Bear last week for the pay-your-age day ha! I must have not been thinking because I was imagining reasonable lines, getting in and out within an hour, etc. We got there at 9:45 and the line went outside and around the mall! They were closing the line by the time we got there.. which was fine. I wasn't about to stand in line and wait 4-6 hours with 4 kids in tow. A friend met us there with her son so we ended up visiting a few different stores, riding the carousel and eating pizza for lunch! We did get vouchers for Build-A-Bear. We're planning to go back this weekend!
Sol and her little buddy!
Friday we went swimming for the first time all week. Now that's in mid-July I just don't have the energy to be at the pool every other day like I did at the beginning of summer.
Indie playing with her Legos. I don't remember my other kids sitting this way. Pretty sure it has to do with her hip dysplasia and loose joints. We find her in the craziest positions!

Mar reading to the little girls before bed. She's such a sweet big sister!
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